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Before you begin
We highly recomend registration using PC rather than mobile devices.

This form doesn't save any provided information unless you finish. During registration you have to provide abstract of your proposal. Abstract must not exceed 2000 characters in total and must consist of five parts – background, the aim, materials and methods, results, conclusions. We suggest to prepare abstract before and only copy&paste during registration.

In case of any questions feel free to contact us!

The registration will be closed at 11.04.2025 23:59:59 UTC+2

General information

Education level
Please choose the education level that describes authors the best. If authors are one different education levels choose the highest applicable.

Participation way
SIMC 2022 is a hybrid conference. Participation is possible stationary (in Katowice–Ligota) and online (via Zoom).

Delivery adress
Fields below are required for online participants only. Any prizes will be send to this adress.




Affiliations indicates departments or universities you and co-authors belongs to. The tool below allows you to add up to 6 affiliations. You must provide at least one. Tools requires adding department, faculty and university. If your affiliation doesn't match this pattern please provide valid one in additional information at last page of registration.

FOR SUM AFFILIATIONS: please select affilation from lists below, do not enter affiliatiation manually, list of all departments with Polish- English translation is available as PDF. If you cannot find your department, feel free to contact us!

FOR OTHER AFFILIATIONS: please provide your affiliation manually in English (we strongly recomend checking official translations).

In case of high school students, please provide the name of your school in university field. The rest of fields should remain blank.

Faculty: Department:

Title and abstract

Match affiliations to authors

Authors could have different affiliations. Please match affiliations to all authors.

Title and abstract

In form below you can use most scientific symbols including greek letters (Δ,Θ,Φ,Ω,β,γ,δ,μ,π,ρ,ψ) and special characters(•,†,‡,‰,‱,∫,°,±,¶). Please avoid using upper or lower indexes. If it is not possible (or your's abstract requires special formating), please add a comment and send abstract by an e-mail in .docx file ( Tables or images are not allowed.

Abstract Total number of characters: 0/2000

Comment / additional information:

